Erotic style is a fashion trend that emerged at the end of the 20th century, encouraging ladies to dress in extremely vulgar, provocative, sexy outfits that often speak of lust. Not all elements of this style will suit, and it is quite difficult to maintain a fine line between attractiveness and cheap vulgarity.
False nails with strange patterns, active makeup, extended eyelashes, exposing all parts of the body at once (legs + decollete for example) – all this is an attribute of this style, which is appropriate only on stage and in certain women’s professions. The fashion for erotic style has long sunk into oblivion, but, unfortunately, a very large number of girls and women still remain adherents of glamor. We still have tight clothes, short skirts and cleavage, Louboutins, silicone breasts, lips, leopard print dresses and other paraphernalia of the 2000s.
I really like the following quote from A. Vasiliev’s interview.
– And how does a woman in rhinestones feel in Paris?
– One of the lessons in my school for rich women is going to the panel, where they get a shock: “Why are they dressed like us?” To this I answer them: “You are dressed like them” – in sables and minks, leather minis, with huge heels and platforms, with beautiful hairstyles, with puffed up lips and a silicone bust, with large cleavage and other attributes of Russian “femininity”. “.
– That is, people in the West look more modest?
– Is not a fact! For example, I noticed that brand mania still lives in Berlin! Women go on saying, “What is this? Prada, Gucci, Pucci or Furucci? Brandomania is only for tasteless people who do not know how to dress themselves, and they need the signature of another, often unknown creator. These people do not care that almost all things are sewn today in China or even in neutral waters – the latest trend. Imagine: chartered barges loaded with Chinese workers are standing in neutral waters. From there, by helicopter or plane – to the continent, and all without taxes – not produced anywhere! How do you like it?! Terrible! But what about the Parisian legends – Louis Vuitton and Hermès? In France, they make really unique things, but, by the way, only Hermès, while Louis Vuitton is mainly China.
I want to add, but it’s not worth saying that only women in Belarus, Russia or Ukraine were or are subject to the style of the 2000s, this style originated a very long time ago and not in Russia, but in Europe, but we will not go into history so deeply. And we will immediately pass the flag of this style of clothing to Madonna. At the beginning of her career, she combines all the sexual images of the 20th century into one bottle. Her clothes are sometimes vulgar. Next, we pass the flag of sexuality to Britney Spears, Beyoncé and Aguilera. Remember their sexual images. Many American and European women copied them.
And many fashion designers at that time are trying to create a large number of male and female sexual images, such as the Dolce Gabbana brand. Whose popularity came not from talent, as their clothes have simple but sexy styles, but from sexual advertising. Looking at the photo where the athletes are gathered in shorts. Stunning bodies in very erotic poses. Men try on this image for themselves and think that having bought such shorts they will immediately become an athlete. But for this you need to go to the gym, and not buy new panties, but most people do not know this and are sure that having bought this or that sexual item of clothing they become like divas.
The same applies to girls, they often try on the image of a sexy young lady, such a young lady usually has rich parents, a rich husband or lover. She has silicone breasts, provocative lips, an expensive car and expensive holidays. But there is another young lady who does not have much money, but she really wants a beautiful life and she begins to copy the first one. The second young lady thinks that if she dresses also sexy, then the success of men is guaranteed to her. But the question is what kind of success? Even if such a relationship ends in marriage, at the age of 40 a man will change, as they say in a well-known joke, one wife for 2 to 20 🙂 Since other beauties will appear during this time. I think there is nothing better than a well-groomed woman with natural beauty. It doesn’t take much to dress in this style. Often these are pretty stupid girls. “ Elegance is one of the manifestations of the mind .” Instead of elegance, you can also substitute the word Style
Fashion is always very expensive, but style is not. You can be the most stylish and not spend anything for it. And you can buy everything that is sold in fashion galleries, and remain tasteless and vulgar. To be stylish, you need to have taste, and it is inherited or it develops. If you had a grandmother with taste, you will have it too. Taste is like an ear for music, you either have it or you don’t, but it can be taught. However, a child who develops a hearing will still not become a soloist, he will sing well in the choir, but he will not become David Oistrakh or Maria Callas. How to develop a sense of taste and style in yourself will be the topic for the next article.
Sexuality will always be the driving force behind fashion, especially in Russia. We live in a woman’s kingdom, nothing can be done – 60% of the population are women. Wars and concentration camps, as you know, greatly impoverished our gene pool. A Russian woman will always be brighter and sexier than a European woman, because she wants attention. Even a married woman will follow the fashion with us … just in case. In some regions, there is one working man for every six working women.
The lack of men makes women not relax 24 hours a day. She thinks: “What if I meet my prince in a minibus!” So they dress like they should dress for the most important date of their lives. But a stylishly dressed woman, femininely dressed, will always attract more attention than a vulgarly dressed woman. She will get the right attention. The main thing is to be able to maintain this line between vulgarity and beauty.