I decided to collect in one place the most popular mistakes that we make when buying clothes for ourselves. I list them here without a system, in the order that I remembered. I often observed these mistakes before in myself, in my shopping customers, and also just in people in the store.
“Make a picture”Recently, we have become accustomed to seeing clothes in beautiful pictures: photographs, stylistically verified videos. Therefore, even in the fitting room, many take an Instagram pose, stand in a good angle in relation to the mirror, put their hands in their pockets, turn their heads … and focus on what they see. Although I would say that you need to look at how the thing looks on you not in the most successful position, but on the contrary – in the most unsuccessful, and even better in dynamics. You will not walk the streets half a turn like that. So we forget about a beautiful picture, and choose the most unsightly poses, spin in front of the mirror this way and that, looking for possible flaws. If we are talking about after all for the office, it would be nice to sit in it for a bit. Most fitting rooms have ottomans. This way you will know if the blouse is sticking out from under the belt and if tight tight trousers will not press too hard.

“Here is a little to take in” . Very often, stylists advise buying things and putting them on the figure. This method helps to put together the perfect wardrobe that will decorate you. In theory. In practice, I know only a few people who actually carry a thing to an atelier or to a dressmaker. Most people don’t have the time, energy or money for this. And you also need to find that very good atelier or dressmaker who can be trusted with something a little more complicated than hemming the bottom of trousers. As a result, more than once I met things like “it was necessary to take in a little here, but I was not going to solve this issue” in the closet of clients. So I advise you to take a sober look at your enthusiasm in this matter and the degree of confusion with clothing issues. And yet choose things that do not require additional alteration or fit on the figure.
“Thing is a dream” . very often we do not buy clothes that we really need today. But the dream of some other life that we would like to live. An elegant dress, which in reality has nowhere to walk. Shoes with high heels, in which you can only move by car. White pants that you pretend to be wearing while sailing on a yacht. There are many such examples. And I would advise each time to evaluate each thing in terms of how applicable it is in your real life today, and not tomorrow, when you suddenly become the wife of a millionaire and an Instagram star.

“Like her . ” This problem is more often related to online shopping, but it also occurs in real life. Very often we want some thing, focusing on how it looks on a model or on a mannequin. And it seems to us that these trousers with this jacket, as shown in the picture, are such a successful set that will definitely suit you. But you are completely missing the fact that the jacket has long sleeves, and the model of the trousers is not very suitable for your hip shape.
“Compromise” . Do you need versatile basic black trousers, but instead you buy silk harem pants that are only appropriate with an evening top? Or are you buying pants that can only be worn with heels but can’t be worn with loafers? Because you never found trousers that fit for all occasions? Didn’t find it, oh well, keep looking. You should not try to buy at least something if in one shopping trip you did not immediately find exactly the perfect thing that you are looking for. Otherwise, deposits of things with narrow functionality and little applicability will accumulate in your closet. And our goal is to buy things that will be worn as often as possible and combined with as many clothes and shoes as possible.
“But it’s so cheap . ” We often buy on a sale or the original cheap price. And in the end we buy things that we do not always need. Things are not very good quality. And just things that will lay dead weight in the closet. It’s not always worth buying at a low price. Just think, would you be willing to pay full price for this item? If the answer is “yes”, then perhaps the purchase is indeed justified. If the answer is “no”, then most likely you should not buy a thing just because of its cheapness.

“It’s fashionable now” The thoughtless pursuit of trends has not yet graced anyone’s wardrobe. Especially if you buy a trendy item, but do not really understand what to wear it with. There is a high probability that such a piece will lie in your closet until it finally goes out of fashion. If you doubt your stylistic sense, I advise you not to dwell on the hot fashion trends in clothing. Especially those that “everyone wears”. Otherwise, you run the risk of looking too old-fashioned at the end of the current season. Choose trendy accessories and details. This will help to painlessly fit your basic wardrobe into any season and any fashion.
“Tamara and I go as a couple . ” Very often, shopping with a girlfriend turns into a fun pastime. But completely unproductive in terms of shopping. Because there is not enough time and resources for a calm analysis of things and purchases. So I would advise my friends to go shopping for fun, trying on something, taking beautiful photos. Perhaps in the process something and buy. But if you have a specific serious goal, it is better to go shopping by yourself or with a specialist.