Studying online: +5 tips that will mark a before and after in your professional life

1. Define what you want to study online

One of the first tips for studying online is to be clear about your academic interests. Remember that you can study from online careers to entering online universities with the best educational offer. 

Although the idea of ​​finding master’s degrees online seems very ambitious or expensive, you can consider online courses as an accessible way to learn.

Variety of options to study online

No matter what subject you want to learn, you will surely find a course where you can learn a new skill or hobby.

2. Review the requirements to study online

The main difference between studying online and studying in the classroom is that you are responsible for the learning environment. You provide the place to work, the computer and any other item you need, including a machine with the necessary technical requirements.

In most cases, any computer with Internet access will suffice. However, some online courses involve specialized hardware.

For example, let’s say you’re taking an online course on video editing. To do this, you’ll need a computer that has enough memory and a graphics card powerful enough to handle the video editing software. Also, you will need the software itself, which may require a paid license.

Among the tips for studying online, there is not enrolling in online courses until you know the technical requirements. If you still can’t meet them, postpone the course until you can buy or borrow what you need.

Some classes may require headphones to listen to audio presentations or a printer to make copies of documents. In any case, if you start the course without the necessary equipment, you will quickly fall behind.

online classes

3. Schedule your study times

If you already realized that, at a certain time of day, you don’t know what to do, perhaps it is the perfect moment to spend even a few minutes studying online. Or you can leave it at the end of the day. The important thing is that you do not spend a single day without studying . Thus, you will get results in less time. 

Simply turn on your computer and after logging in you can start your class from the comfort of your chair and finish a session in just a few minutes. That’s what studying online is like.

Although taking an online degree is not the same as accessing an online course platform, each one has its differences, but the secret is that both virtual modalities can complement each other. And that’s what online education is all about : knowing how to take advantage of the benefits of online classes and complement your professional training.

For example, at Crehana, one of the characteristics that our students like the most is that they can enter from any device , at the time they want, no matter where they are, with courses and MicroDegrees that cover several disciplines at very affordable costs. 

young man studying online

4. Include your study time in your daily routine

Following the previous advice, if you think it is very difficult to study online and maintain a balance with the rest of your activities , then it would be a good idea to look for an agenda or a  schedule of personal activities  to have everything under control. 

When it comes to online classes, you have to have the discipline to sit back and say, “I’m going to spend my time doing this.” Although you can be flexible as to when you choose to complete your study during the week, you cannot postpone it indefinitely.

One of the easiest ways to ensure follow-up is to remember that you are paying to study online, just as you would with a traditional in-person class. So treat your online classes the same way you would a face-to-face class, or better yet, a job, and you’ll be well on your way.

person studying online by computer

5. Avoid distractions

Believe it or not, eliminating everything that distracts you will undoubtedly be one of the best ways to discipline yourself to study online. 

From social media to your desktop utilities, you’ll be faced with many distractions that can easily derail your studies. So one of the best tips for successful online study is knowing how to reduce these distractions and set aside time to focus.

Exactly how challenging these distractions will be will depend on your personality and situation. Some may choose to tune out a noisy space by listening to music. Others may choose to study online from a local coffee shop or library. Whatever the method, you will need to find a strategy that works best for you.

6. Ask for help when you need it

If you do not understand any topic of your online course, you must communicate it, only then can you take advantage of its full value. You can sometimes have trouble with the study materials, and depending on your preferred learning style, you may have more luck with some modules than others.

If you need clarification, please contact your instructor or other students. In fact, many teachers set up communication channels online , be it email, instant messaging, or direct messaging on social media. Therefore, use these channels to get answers to your questions and take advantage of studying online.

Expert teachers in their area

Another reason why studying online or looking at virtual universities has become so popular recently, regardless of the pandemic, is that you can be sure that all professors have a high degree of experience in their courses . : whether it’s digital writing, web design or making your own crafts and using watercolors correctly. 

At Crehana, from the first approach you have to the courses, one of the first pieces of information you will hear is the professional and academic experience of the professors , and even within the classes, many of them use examples and solutions that they implement within themselves. his professional work. 

student asking teacher for help

7. Participate online and respond to the contributions of others

It’s easy to think that studying online is a one-sided affair. After all, you are alone in front of a device, learning from someone else who is sitting behind another device. However, if you only think of yourself, you will miss out on some of the added benefits of learning online.

If someone else asks you a question and you have the answer, offer it up. When you help other people and answer their questions, you build trust and loyalty, and those people are more likely to answer your questions.

woman participating in her online course

8. Create a space to study online

Another of the tips to study online successfully is that you determine a dedicated learning environment to study. By repeatedly completing your work there, you will begin to establish a routine.

Setting up a study space will also help you learn the key to organizing yourself to study online. Knowing exactly where important dates, files, forms, syllabi, books, and assignments are located will help you stay on track toward achieving your goals. When creating your study space, make sure you:

  • Have a high-speed Internet connection.
  • Have the books, materials, and software required for the course .
  • Have headphones to listen to lectures or debates (especially important in shared spaces).

virtual learning environment

9. Find out how you learn best

Once you have established where you will learn, think about when and how you will achieve your goal . If you are a morning person, make time to study online first thing in the morning.

However, if you’re a nightlifer, set aside an hour or two after dinner to settle in at your computer. Brew your usual cup of coffee, put on your favorite playlist, and do whatever it takes to get down to business.

Remember that not everyone learns in the same way, so think about what kind of information helps you better understand new concepts or use strategies to study online . For example, if you’re a visual learner, print the transcripts of video lectures to review. Do you learn best by listening? So be sure to include time in your schedule to play all audio and video-based course content.

young man studying from his sofa

As you can see, when you study online you have the advantage that the information is constantly updated, which allows you to be aware of the latest market trends, new tools or innovative methodologies.

In addition,  it allows you to add new skills to your resume , get that longed-for job or surprise your boss and your entire work team, or even to learn a new skill and show it off in your meetings. The important thing is that you choose wisely where or what you want to study online and look for the options that suit you best.

If you want to reinforce your leadership skills, productivity, or simply give yourself time for all your activities , you can take a look at Domestika.

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